5 Reasons You Should Try “All New Days”
What is All New Days? Go to 30 All New Days Challenge to read how to do it.
Aren’t convinced yet? Keep reading below:
1. You don’t have any hobbies.
Look, do not be ashamed if you don’t have any hobbies right now. After interviewing almost 20 people, I can confidently say that most people don’t. And if they do, they can’t easily name them.
Sometimes people know what they like but can’t find the time or access to them. Other times people just don’t even know what they like or where to start. Either way, it’s never too late to start!
Trying to do “All New Days” for 30 days or 60 days or even a week is a great time to discover what you like. If you haven’t made any time for your hobbies in a long time, this is the time to get back to it. If your hobbies are surrounding are, try out new techniques or try new projects. Take the time to learn a new skill or take an online class.
If you are a foodie, make it a mission to try out different cultural foods around where you live or take this time to create new recipes to make at home or to put into a cookbook. If you like to read, make it a point to try to incorporate reading into your day. Maybe this means finding different book stores or going on a walk to listen to an audiobook. Or maybe it means reading a new book every week.
If you don’t know what you like – THIS IS YOUR CHANCE TO FIND IT!
This is your chance to figure out the things you want to be doing with your free time. Maybe you try different side hustles. Maybe you try different outdoor activities. It could even mean learning how to completely redecorate or remodel your house – learning a new skill each day. There are so many options for how we could be spending our free time other than Netflix.
This is your chance to find your hobbies.
2. You are tired of doing the same things and going to the same places every day.
I know, for me, I started getting tired of eating at the same places, going to the same bars, and coming home to watch Netflix or TikTok every day. I knew there was so much more to life, but I was limiting my adventurous spirit only to times when I was on a trip or traveling.
When the world shut down for a long time and I couldn’t escape to find adventures, I knew I had to find them here at home. There are likely so many things you haven’t seen or done right where you live. At the very least, there are places to explore near where you live.
It doesn’t require traveling to decide to explore the world.
If you read my list of everything new I did for 234 consecutive days, you’ll see that some of these things are very small. Some required no effort, but they did change up my monotonous routine. And that’s what was important.
Even choosing to do something new at home was better for me personally, because I was putting my anxious energy into something different. And I was usually putting it somewhere productive!
For me, I get tired of doing the same things and going to the same places, but newness is often a barrier I have to overcome first. While some of my new days only happened one time, the simple fact that I have done it before makes it easier for me to do any of them again.
Sometimes it was extremely hard to make myself do something out of my comfort zone, but I have now set myself up for future success in trying new things – all because I did something once already.
3. You have goals you want to accomplish but don’t know where to start.
I don’t know about you, but I have a lot of goals and dreams. The problem is…I never know how to get started. Getting started on actually working towards those goals seems insurmountable. It feels too big, too far away.
This is something All New Days gave me. It showed me that I can use small actions to create something bigger. Each day was a chance to try something new, be it small or big. I was able to use what I learned or use that experience to push me to do the next thing, and the next, and so on.
Sometimes I didn’t even know where to start. Getting started was scary because there were too many options OR I couldn’t think of where to start. Either way, it was a burden. Some days I didn’t want to do anything, but I did it because I knew it would either push me closer to where I wanted to go or it would show me I needed to take a different path.
You can use All New Days to learn something new every day to be able to achieve your goals and your dreams. You can use it to create an action plan and take one step each day. This will inevitably lead you closer to where you want to be instead of everything feeling so far away.
So, try new days. And use it to create an action plan of how you will get to where you want to be.
4. You want to become a “yes” man.
This was maybe my biggest reason for All New Days. Like I said, adventure isn’t hard for me, but it was so limited to traveling or specific times when I “felt like it.” While a lot of people spread themselves too thin or they can never say no to anyone or anything, I was the opposite.
It was really easy for me to say no to people and plans. What I really needed was to become a “yes” man. I was happy I could set boundaries and not spread myself too thin. But I ended up feeling like I was missing out on life because of it.
I was missing out on new and different experiences because it felt like an inconvenience to my comfort. I wasn’t getting out there and experiencing the world because I simply didn’t want to – or some other excuse.
But I didn’t like that about myself. I wanted to do more, and I wanted to live more. I wanted to find more places I could find joy and fulfillment rather than in my isolation. I’m an introvert, yes. But that’s no excuse. It’s important to not hide behind labels and actually live a life you are proud of.
I’m not saying it’s bad to know what you like or know what makes you happy. But I didn’t. I knew I wasn’t proud of my life. So All New Days was a chance to be proud of how I was living – to be so intentional with my days that I couldn’t have any regrets.
If this sounds like you, and you want to become a “yes” man (or woman, obviously), try the All New Days challenge. It will, at the very least, show you how you want to live.
5. You want to learn and grow as a person.
I don’t think I really expected this one before I started on this. Sure, I wanted to see the world and become more cultured and have a ton of new or different experiences. But I didn’t think about how I would be able to actually reflect after.
In some ways, I wanted to do it to learn about other people and to learn more about the world – not myself. But here I am, a pretty different person than I was almost a year ago. Because I set out to learn more about other people and other things, I ended up learning about myself.
I learned how I live, I learned what I like, and I learned what I don’t like. I learned I am so much more capable than I thought I was. It is also possible to ask for help and still be independent. I learned to experience life with others, but it’s okay to go places alone. I learned that I like to learn.
A lot of days were spent trying new places, new food, new drinks, learning new skills, reading, and figuring out adulthood both alone and with others. I grew in what I was able to do and the things I want to do. My perspective was expanded by interviewing other people and seeing ways in which I can grow.
By participating in All New Days, you cannot come out of it having learned nothing. Whether you let yourself learn and grow, or not, is up to you. It will be how much you learn. And it will be how much you grow. But start the journey with a purpose to make a life you are proud of.
Need inspiration? Go here: 100 Ideas for All New Days or Things to Do When You Are Bored
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